Snowmen Rock!

Today was stormy here, the house quite dark, so the Christmas Tree lights glowed as if it really were December in the northern hemisphere…

As ever, I’ve been pinning snowmen (all year) like crazy and I came across this lady’s snowmen rocks for sale. Her’s I suspect are fancy, painted on both sides and may last more than a season.

Mine are poster paint, sharpie and watered down orange paint to get the nose lines straight. When I put the rocks back at the base of the olive tree in the garden after Christmas, the paint will run off.


I just like their little stony smiles and coal-chip eyes. One of Marsh’s favourite YouTube videos is the Snowflake song, where the snowman meets a pretty pink snowlady and they ice-skate.  Ahhh. We shall have a house of snowmen before Summer’s over, bwa ha ha ha!



3 thoughts on “Snowmen Rock!

Hey good looking, what you got cooking! Tell me all about it.